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Producer, New Hampshire Public Radio ·  Outside/In 


​Recent episodes include me crawling under my porch and a story about a burro rescue in the Grand Canyon.  

What Now? with Trevor Noah

Producer, Day Zero Productions  ·  What Now? with Trevor Noah


My favorite episode is a conversation about friendship


Segment Producer, Associate Producer & Apprentice · Pineapple Street Studios


Associate Producer · Classy with Jonathan Menjivar. A podcast about the class chasms between us (named one of the best podcasts of 2023 by The New Yorker, Time, and The Atlantic). I produced our episode about army recruitment

Going Through It.png

Associate Producer · Season 4 of Going Through It. Writer Ashley C. Ford explores the choice of whether or not to have children.


Producer · A narrative entrepreneurship podcast hosted by Laura Mayer. 


(Named the #2 podcast of 2022 by Vulture's podcast industry survey).

BirdNote audio postcard

Producer & Narrator · An audio postcard from the Kyiv Zoo.

Salt Institute for Documentary Studies

I attended the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies in the fall of 2021. You can listen to a story on a small town's recovery from generational trauma here.

City Garden Montessori

Lead instructor of City Garden Montessori School's first podcasting class, St. Louis, Missouri, 2021-2022. Check out our (somewhat unhinged) submissions to the NPR Student Podcast Challenge.  

If you made it to the end, I occasionally make pieces just for fun, like this one… about dads at the gym.

or... snakes!?

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